Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Smack My Katcho

Woah! Without Mr. Izen here I almost forgot to blog today! How awful would that have been?! I'm sorry to have neglected you all like that. Now let's see... what shall I tell you about... Oh. If you check the complete profile section by clicking on Yam Roll in the upper right corner of the page you will be given the option to listen to an audio track. Thanks to our skilled and lovely editor, Kelly Carlson, you will now hear the Yam Roll theme music upon clicking the button. Try it out!
Just to make sure your ears don't make your eyes jealous, here is another pic from the wrap party. This is the Katcho pinata made from paper mache...mashet...machay.... you know what I'm saying.


Blogger Mathieu Beaulieu said...

papier mâché? hehe

Cool Blog by the way, I loooove this show.

11:18 PM  

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