Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Alright you chatty little jerks! Either you start making some comments or I slam on the brakes and turn this blog around! Without your feedback, how am I to know which blogs are gold and which are merely pyrite (Or for the homies out there, which blogs are Bling and which are cubic zirconia).
I took a look around on a server and came up with the following: NHL promos! These were shown on the big screen at an actual Leafs game. Maybe you were even lucky enough to see them in person!

Go, Leafs! Go!

Umm... that was the only one I could find. What a crappy post! Now please comment and tell me what a horrible job I did today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was horribly cute.. Now post more horrible cute clips!

4:14 PM  
Blogger R.A. MacNeil said...



5:52 PM  
Blogger Yam Roll said...

The Very Good Adventures of Yam Roll in Happy Kingdom is often broadcast over prison televisions. It has been shown in studies that Yammie's light-hearted antics have a soothing effect on the convicts. Rehabilitation rates have increased dramitically since episode 3. Thank you, Yam Roll, for making our country a safer place to live and keeping our correctional detention centers free from violence and general negativity.

11:45 AM  

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