Thursday, May 03, 2007

Yam Roll at the Platform Film Festival

Here's an excerpt from Jon Izen's (creator of Yam Roll) blog:

Hey folks. I'm super hyped that Yam Roll has been chosen to screen at the Platform Animation Festival

They are screening a 3 minute short titled Win Place or Toe. There is some funny stuff in there. Here is a link to the short

Win Place or Toe!!

I'm also going to be on a panel about blogging with some great folks. It should be pretty fun! If you are in or around Portland, come check it out at the end of june!

Here's a screenshot from the episode as well to whet your whistling eyeballs...

I'm guessing we'll be the only entry in the festival in which a superhero sushi drives a taxi into an elevator that also contains a zebra and an egg-roll on stilts!

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